Historical maps are included in the continent, country and dependency entries. The abbasid caliphate of cairo 12611517 history and tradition in the mamluk court by. Abbasid caliphate essay example topics and well written. Study 18 terms ap world history chapter 11 vocab flashcards. What were the main achievements of the abbassid caliphate. The abbasid revolution followed an extended period of clandestine organization centered in the eastern province of khurasan. After initial turkish invasions, however, the caliph quickly lost all.
Under the abbasid caliphate 7501258, which succeeded the umayyads 661750 in 750, the focal point of islamic political and cultural life shifted eastward from syria to iraq, where, in 762, baghdad, the circular city of peace madinat alsalam, was founded as the new capital. Assaffah successfully captured the umayyad caliphate and was proclaimed the new caliph of the new dynasty. Nov 20, 20 abbasid caliphate after the collapse of umayyad control, the muslim empire was split into eastern and western territories us andal al ain im sp musl 4. Abbasid caliphate, second of the two great dynasties of the muslim empire of the caliphate. The abbasid caliphate holds its place in an important phase of islamic history. Modern course and exam description, effective fall 2019 corresponds to the. After the islamic prophet hajrat muhammad, the abbasid caliphate was the third caliphate that ruled the islamic world.
This force, created in the reign of almamun 833 and his brother and successor almutasim 83342, prevented the further disintegration of the empire. The uprising is partly a simple struggle between arab factions, each of impeccable pedigree in relation to the pioneers of islam. The abbasids were arabs who descended from muhammads family settled in an area that was once part of the persian empire. The abbasid caliphate, which ruled most of the muslim world from baghdad in what is now iraq, lasted from 750 to 1258 a. Almustasim, the last reigning abbasid caliphate in baghdad was then executed on february 20, 1258. It overthrew the umayyad caliphate in 750 ce and reigned until it was destroyed by the mongol invasion in 1258. The abbasid caliphate differed from others in that it did not have the same borders and extent as islam. Two of the greatest abbasid caliphs were caliph abu alabbas and his successor, caliph almansur 754 775. Mohamed azam khan baniabbassian died in 1967, regarded as the end of the abbasid reign in bastak. Hulagu khan sacked baghdad on february 10, 1258, causing great loss of life. Abbasid caliphate islamic studies oxford bibliographies. Umayyads came to power and chose muawiya as the fifth caliph. All of the other promises made by the abbasid family were intentionally kept vague, but the most important aspect of the revolution was that the umayyads were removed from power. While the byzantine empire was fighting abbasid rule in syria and anatolia, the caliphate s military operations were focused on internal unrest.
Their claim to the position of the caliph, the highest leader of the islamic world, was derived from their. She offers an admirable if conventional account of the various peoples, events, and ideas that shaped this pivotal moment in world history. Amira bennisons engaging history of the abbasid caliphate moves beyond more conventional or drier accounts of political intrigue among ruling elites and sectarian squabbles. Andrews in scotland, has written a solid and useful account of the major political developments during the first 80 years of abbasid rule, 1218749833. They were a meccan origin family who overthrew the umayyad dynasty in 750 ce. The abbasids held the caliphate from 749 to 1258, but they were recognized neither in spain nor after 787 w of egypt.
The abbasid caliphate chapter 4 the cambridge history of islam. Ppt the abbasid caliphate powerpoint presentation free. The rise and fall of the islamic caliphate in history daily. Particularly, in the west of the caliphate, there were multiple smaller caliphates that existed in relative peace with them. Search the history of over 424 billion web pages on the internet. Abbasiyah was the third caliphate to succeed the islamic prophet muhammad. It was the third islamic caliphate and overthrew the umayyad caliphate to take power in all but the westernmost fringe of muslim holdings at that timespain and portugal, known then as the alandalus region.
In 747, the abbasids rose in rebellion against the umayyads in order to capture the throne and realize their ageold claim to the leadership of the arab world by virtue of their being descendants of muhammads yongest uncle abbas. Abbasid social hierarchy social structure of the abbasid. This invaluable study oxford, 1900, written by the renowned arabist and historical geographer guy le strange 18541933, covers the history of baghdad during the 8th centuries. Umayyad and abbasid caliphate study guide by chrispodo includes 26 questions covering vocabulary, terms and more. Women will have advantages and a higher status in the umayyad caliphate as compared to the abbasid caliphate. The abbasid empire suffered from attacks by outside groups in the 1100s and 1200s. The abbasid dynasty, known to its supporters as the blessed dynasty, which imposed its authority on the islamic empire in 2750, claimed to inaugurate a.
It was the third out of the total of four caliphates that the muslim history has seen. The abbasid caliphate was a major dynasty that ruled over the islamic empire during its peak. In the mideighth century a revolution began against the ummayad caliphate. The journey of caliphate from 632 to 1924 international journal of. History and tradition in the mamluk court mustafa banister doctor of philosophy department of near and middle eastern civilizations university of toronto 2015 abstract this dissertation investigates the twoandahalf century evolution of islams most prominent leadership institution, the abbasid. The ottoman caliphate was the last sunni caliphate of the late medieval and early modern era that lasted centuries and was abolished in 1924. After a first chapter on the political history of the caliphate, it deals with cities, social life, trade, and learning.
During the time of the abbasids, the caliph was usually the son or other closest male relative of the previous caliph. Aug 11, 2010 after a brief presentation on the history of the abbasid dynasty, especially related to the progress of science and civilization as well as periods of decline and destruction on the conclusion drawn, among others, that the history of islamic civilization, through the abbasid dynasty, has successfully created a great civilization that is able to. An abbasid carolingian alliance was attempted during the 8th to 9th century through a series of embassies, rapprochements and combined military operations between the frankish carolingian empire and the abbasid caliphate and pro abbasid rulers in al andalus islamic spain and portugal the alliance is likely to have formed first between pepin the short and almansur, and later to have. In 1261, following the devastation of baghdad by the mongols, the mamluk rulers of egypt reestablished the abbasid caliphate in cairo. The dynasty ruled the islamic caliphate from 750 to 1258 ad, making it one of the longest and most influential islamic dynasties. A free powerpoint ppt presentation displayed as a flash slide show on id. As the abbasid caliphate fragmented, new islamic political entities emerged, most of which were dominated by turkic peoples. Abbasid caliphate project gutenberg selfpublishing. Caliphate simple english wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Under the abbasids the capital of the caliphate was moved from damascus to. Baghdad during the abbasid caliphate from contemporary arabic and persian sources. It was founded by a dynasty descended from muhammads uncle, abbas ibn abdulmuttalib 566653 ce. Abbasids, descendants of an uncle of muhammad, owed the success of their revolt in large part to their appeal to various pietistic, extremist, or merely disgruntled groups and in particular to the aid of the shi. Baghdad during the abbasid caliphate from contemporary arabic. List of books and articles about abbasid caliphate online. The successors of prophet muhammad, who was the head of the islamic state, were called caliphs, a term translated as. It wis foondit bi a dynasty descendit frae muhammads uncle, abbas ibn abdulmuttalib 566653 ce, frae that the dynasty taks its name. Mar 11, 2019 the abbasid caliphate, which ruled most of the muslim world from baghdad in what is now iraq, lasted from 750 to 1258 a. First hereditary dynasty of muslim caliphs 661 to 750. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades.
The caliphate was one of the oldest islamic institutions in the history. Pdf the abbasid dynasty was the golden age of islam sean. The islamic gowden age wis inauguratit bi the middle o the 8t century bi the ascension o the abbasid caliphate an the transfer o the caipital frae damascus tae baghdad. An ongoing detailed account of the history of the abbasids from an islamic perspective. Later the caliphate was won by the abbasids and alandalus or hispania split from the abbasid caliph in baghdad to form their own caliphate. The eclipse of the abbasid caliphate internet archive. Baghdad during the abbasid caliphate from contemporary. Bennisons study of the abbasid caliphate is a useful survey of the history and culture of one of the great periods of the islamic world. The abbasid caliphate chapter 4 the cambridge history. The abbasid caliphate chapter 4 the cambridge history of. Baghdad during the abbasid caliphate from contemporary arabic and persian sources by guy le strange.
Abbasid caliphate of cairo 12611517 in the 9th century, the abbasids created an army loyal only to their caliphate, composed of nonarab origin people, known as mamluks. They came to ascension at a time when the umayyads had vacated the seat of administration. It became a center of learning and the hub of what is known as the golden age of islam. The abbasid caliphs established the city of baghdad in 762 ce. The ummayads managed to suppress many of these uprising but with every one that was put down, ten more would occur throughout the caliphate. This higher status dates back to both the teachings of. The rise and fall of the abbasid caliphate european. The caliphate had considerable acceptance of the christians within its territory, necessitated by their large numbers, especially in the region of syria. While the byzantine empire was fighting abbasid rule in syria and anatolia, the caliphates military operations were focused on internal unrest. This period is regarded as the golden age of the abbasid caliphate and was followed immediately by civil war between his sons.
Iranian historythe abbasids wikibooks, open books for. Mar 17, 2015 the abbasid caliphate the abbasids in islamic history in islamic history, abbasid was the dynastic name generally given to the caliphs of baghdad, the second of the two great sunni dynasties of the muslim empire, that overthrew the umayyad caliphs. Abbasid caliphate after the collapse of umayyad control, the muslim empire was split into eastern and western territories us andal al ain im sp musl 4. The abbasid dynasty, known to its supporters as the blessed dynasty, which imposed its authority on the islamic empire in 2750, claimed to inaugurate a new era of justice, piety and happiness. Nov 16, 2017 the abbasid caliphate first centered their government in kufa, but in 762 the caliph almansur founded the city of baghdad, north of the persian city of ctesiphon. Pdf almamun in the abbasid caliphate zubair mustafa. The early abbasid caliphate was an important period for islam. The abbasid caliphs in egypt continued to maintain the presence of authority, but it was confined to religious matters. The dynasty, based in baghdad, ruled over a vast empire, stretching from the indus valley and southern russia to the east to tunisia in the west. Following the abbasid revolution from 746750, which primarily arose from nonarab muslim disenfranchisement, the abbasid caliphate was established in. The abbasid caliphate was the third caliphate to succeed the islamic prophet.
Abbasid caliphate brief history of abbasids islam and. The author adopts a broader and deeper approach, focusing above all on the people. Mar 05, 2020 abbasid caliphate, second of the two great dynasties of the muslim empire of the caliphate. Dynastic struggles later caused its decline, and it ceased to exist as an effective institution in the th century. Abbasid caliphate wikimili, the best wikipedia reader. Describe and explain the decline of the abbasid caliphate. A people, hitherto unknown even to their neighbours, poured forth from the bare and bleak plateau of karakorum mongolia and with.
Goods and ideas will be globally exchanged as never before. Chapter 2 from cambridge history of iran, volume 4 cambridge, 1975, edited by r. The golden age of islamic civilization the abbasid caliphate, which ruled the islamic world, oversaw the golden age of islamic culture. Like the umayyad caliphate before it, the leader of the abbasids was called the caliph. Abbasid caliphate simple english wikipedia, the free. The journey of caliphate from 632 to 1924 salih pay associate professor department of history of islam, faculty of theology uludag university, bursa turkey abstract caliphate signifies maintenance of administrative affairs, led by muhammad a. He authored the book tarikhe jahangiriyeh va baniabbassiane bastak 1960, in which is recounted the history of the region and the abbasid family that ruled it. The abbasid caliphate of baghdad ruled the entire middle east and most of north africa during the islamic golden age in the 8th10th centuries. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This here is a map of the ancient empire of the abbasid caliphate along with. Following the abbasid revolution from 746750, which primarily arose from nonarab muslim disenfranchisement, the abbasid caliphate was established in 750. History of islam, islamic institutions, caliphate, imamate, abolition.
Dec 11, 2015 abbasid caliphate the early islamic empire fell to abbasid control with the overthrow and decimation of the umayyad house in 750 c. Email citation a nonchronological overview of the abbasid period. The abbasid historical period lastin tae the mongol conquest o baghdad in 1258 ce is conseedert the islamic gowden age. The mongol invasion, which shook the world of islam to its very foundations in the seventhth century was an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of mankind. The abbasid leadership worked to overcome the political challenges of a large empire with limited communication in the last half of the 8th century 750800 ce. The abbasid followers were given a promise for the return to the utopia of muhammads ideals and the early caliphs. Persia is the region in which resistance comes to a head against the caliphate of the umayyads in damascus. Hugh kennedy, lecturer in the department of mediaeval history at the university of st. These states demonstrated continuity, innovation, and diversity. Abbasiyah was the third of the islamic caliphates to succeed the islamic prophet muhammad.
It was founded by a dynasty descended from muhammads uncle, abbas ibn abdulmuttalib 566653 ce, from whom the dynast. The abbasid caliphate 7501258 established a dynasty with its capital in baghdad, though its control over the state was severely reduced during its last three centuries by rival secular rulers, including the buyids and seljuks along with the fatamid caliphate 9091171 in egypt and the umayyad caliphate 9291031 of spain. The provinces of the abbasid caliphate under harun alrashid 786809. List of books and articles about abbasid caliphate. Ruled by a caliph arabic khalifah, successor, the caliphate grew rapidly during its first two centuries.
Caliphate, the state comprising the muslim community in the centuries after the death of muhammad. Empires and states in afroeurasia and the americas demonstrated continuity, innovation, and diversity in the th century. Arts and humanities world history 600 1450 regional and interregional interactions golden age of islam. Ppt the abbasid caliphate powerpoint presentation free to. Its significance as the only great popularly elected monarchy in world history as it existed during the orthodox caliph ates is of great interest to any student of world history or government. From their capital at damascus, the umayyads ruled one of the largest empires in history that extended from spain to india. The same goes for the texts in the history sections. Most of the narrations have been sifted through to avoid biased theories regardless if the historians as mentioned are shiite or sunni. A brief history of the abbasid caliphate exploring history. Under the umayyad caliphs the abbasids lived quietly until they became involved in numerous disputes, beginning early in the 8th cent. Abbasid caliphs in our time, radio 4, in streaming realaudio. Featured texts all books all texts latest this just in smithsonian libraries fedlink us genealogy lincoln collection.
Caliph and caliphate islamic studies oxford bibliographies. Modern scholarship has devoted considerable attention to the formation and execution of the antiumayyad movement. However at no point after the death of harun alrahid reigned 786809 was the caliphate ever as powerful. The abbasid caliphate emerged after a bloody revolution of its own doing that toppled the once powerful umayyad caliphate. For centuries, the umayyads ruled over the largest islamic empire in history through effective administration and strong leadership of its.
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